Friday, August 05, 2005

Blues Traveler "Four"

Have you ever wondered where this album got its name? I just figured it out. There are 4 good songs on it. Can you guess which four I mean? Fortunately, they are four very good songs. Plus, wow, look how cheap you can buy used copies for now! (The Real sound samples didn't work for me for some reason, but the Windows Media ones did). As an added selling point, John Popper even made the Nine Ugliest Rock Stars Alive list on someone's blog, though the choices are rather questionable.


Blogger Benjamin said...

I'll take a not-too-wild guess that "Run-Around," "The Mountains Win Again," and "Hook" are among the four songs you are referring to. As for number four ... perhaps "Look Around"?

I actually thought this album was fairly decent, though I don't always go for the incredibly bluesy sound. I will say this, however -- their follow-up album (Straight on Till Morning, not their live album) was much, much worse. So if you were disappointed with this one, I'd probably recommend staying away from Blues Traveler altogether. Or just getting their greatest hits disc, which includes a few other good tunes (the best of which is "But Anyway" from their first album).

So ... was I close in guessing the four songs?

August 09, 2005  
Blogger AndyOfVermont said...

Yep, right on the money with the three. The fourth is "Brother John", and may actually be my favorite of the 4.

On the other hand, its been a couple of years since I've really listened to it, and my musical tastes do evolve. I'll give the other songs another try. :)

August 10, 2005  
Blogger AndyOfVermont said...

Scary. I liked nearly all the songs this time around. Guess I've come a long way in a few short years!

July 22, 2006  

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